Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Blog!

I found a new blog website that I like better, so I'll be switching her blog from this domain to the new domain. The new web address is: I'll have a link to it in the link section of this blog, as well. See you over there!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It seems like Rose has started so many milestones in the last few days.
- Started "talking" and today, "talked" back and forth with me (talking consists of grunts and noises)
- Awake for longer periods of time
- Likes to sit up and look around
- Can pretty much hold her head up
- On the verge of being able to smile when you interact with her
- This morning, she laughed twice in her sleep

All of this within the last 3 days!

My mom's friend, Linda, was in town for the last couple of days. We went out to lunch and Rose was awesome. My grandparents also had a dinner last night for her. Here are pics:
My grandpa holding Rose

My mom holding Rose

Rose and I

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rose couldn't look more like her Daddy if she tried.

Note the eyebrows between the two. They're.the.exact.same. :)

She also does this mannerism of T's (down below) with the eyebrows (notice how he arches them? She does, too.) Genetics is a very, very interesting science. Who passes eyebrows onto their child?? Noses, lips, eyes; yes, but eyebrows?! Apparently, it's completely possible! :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

What do you do when you're poor with a one month old like us?

You pack your kid up and take them to Barnes and Noble for all the free reading you want!

She loves to be read to!

She also loves her Daddy...

And her Mommy!

Stay tuned... Many more adventures to come!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A few things...

First, here's Rose's new page for her Scrapblog.

Also, Rose has become a lot more interactive with her gym toys. She now knows that hitting the toys hanging down hard enough turns on the music on her playgym. She also just started liking playing Peek-a-boo with a blanket covering her face. She's even smiled a few times playing it, which she's never done before, so that was cool. Here are two videos of Rose playing on her playgym.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rose isn't just our baby... she's their baby, too.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Here are the many faces of Rose:

Rose had her one month checkup today. She weighed 8 lbs. 13 oz and was 21 inches long. In the past month (actually, more like three weeks because she was down to 6lbs. 4 oz a week after her birth), she's gained 2 lbs. 9 oz. That's pretty impressive. She's in the 50th percentile so far on height and weight, so no signs of the Big D (my dad, aka. The Giant) passing on the height gene yet. ;)